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/ Europe 2017

Italy, Genoa

, 07. October 2017
Genoa. Porto Antico.
After breakfast we set off for the harbour to find our cruise terminal for Sunday, Ponte Colombo. We decided that it was too far for our wheely suitcase.

We walked up and up the steps to Castello D'Albertis. The original fort was built in the 13th century but renovated in the 16th century. In the 19th century it was completely rebuilt as a castle by Captain D'Albertis and bequeathed to the city on his death in 1932. Then to the grand church Annunziata Maddalena.

We started a self guided walking tour of the old city. The intricate tangle of alleyways called caruggi are busy and fascinating. Along Via Santa Luca, the main shopping street then Via Garibaldi, the street of the wealthy in the 18th century. Some of the most beautiful Rolli buildings are Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Tursi.
Next to the Genoa Fountain, Spianata dell'Aquasola and then weaved our way through the narrow streets to the Saturday markets. We visited four churches all plain on the outside but ornately painted and decorated on the inside.

We had dinner at Osteria Pandemonio Restaurant. A fabulous meal. The fish soup was the best I'd ever tasted. Tin had Pasta Calamari Arrabiati. We finished off the night with a walk around the old town and main square and harbour. Lots of activity everywhere.
Porto Antico.
Castello D'Albertis
Castello D'Albertis
Castello D'Albertis
Castello D'Albertis
Castello D'Albertis
View of Genoa from the Castillo.
Castello D'Albertis gardens
SS Annunzota Vastato
SS Annunzota Vastato
SS Annunzota Vastato
via Garibaldi Museum. Originally Strada Nuova 1550 became Via Garibaldi.
Portoria. Via Garibaldi. The street of the rich. 16th Century.
Palazzo Doria-Tursi
Palazzo Doria-Tursi
Spianata dell'Auqasola
Molo Markets
Molo Markets
Our fabulous B&B. B&B Portici Di Sottoripa, Via Gramsci 1/19, Genoa
Our B&B ensuite bathroom
B&B Shared Kitchen
Italian Wineries
Osteria Pandemonio Restaurant, Calamari Pasta Arrabiati.
Osteria Pandemonio Restaurant, the biggest and best ever Fish Soap and crunchy bread.
Osteria Pandemonio Restaurant

Italy, Genoa

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