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/ Two Bullocks on a Boat in Eire

Ireland, 21. June 2022
We made the decision to move onto Cork Harbour, and here we are rounding Roche’s Point. The lighthouse was built in 1835 and is 49 feet high with a diameter of 12 feet.
Fort Mitchell on Spike Island.
Fort Davis on the starboard side.
We decided on East Ferry Marina, which is in the East Passage of Great Island. We were grateful for our pilot book, which mentioned looking for the church opposite the marina, and our lifting keel (have I ever mentioned we have one?), just in case we wandered from the channel.
Looking back from East Passage to the main harbour.
The marina is situated on a beautiful wooded river. It is pretty ramshackle, but very peaceful. Our berth on the ‘T’ has fantastic views.
Adjusting lines.
George owns the marina and farmland nearby. He used to run a successful pub, farm many acres, and have a well maintained and provisioned marina. As a result of ‘the crash’, Covid, getting older and his house burning down, he has truly downsized. Now there are no facilities here.
Our position in the marina.
Holy Trinity Church; our waypoint!
We nicked-named George, Mr Doom and Gloom. Lots of reasons for him to be negative, but he didn’t seem to see a positive about anything in the world today.
Over the 2 legs, we sailed a total of 42 miles.
A beautiful evening.

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