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/ Europe 2017

Buchholz in der Nordheide

Germany, 01. October 2017
Trelde, Charlotte and Axel's house. Tea in the garden.
A beautiful sunny day today. As we walked to the train station the police were getting the streets ready for a Marathon race today in Bremen.

Ron and I caught the 9:59 Niedersachsen train to Sprötze, the stop before Buchholz city centre. Charlotte and Axel picked us up from the station at 10:52.

A short drive through beautiful country style houses to their home in Trelde. A fabulous three story house and large natural garden. We had a cuppa Tea in the garden.

Off to Undeloh Flea Market. A refreshing drive through green countryside and forests to a pretty town next to a large lake. Charlotte set a 2 Euro challenge to find the most useless gift to give one another. I am not sure who won!

Next to Würme to their Apple Crushing and Organic Produce Festival. This quaint town is charming and rustic. The road into it is narrow and cobble stoned. A bumpy ride. The playground is old fashioned wooden structures. Fabulous. There should be more of them. All produce was organic. I tried 3 different types of carrots. They definitely have their own distinctive textures and flavours.

Back to Buchholz for the Sunday Open Day. The mall was jumping. We ate curry wurst, drank craft beers, ate warm pretzels straight out of the oven and drank wine from Charlotte and Axel's favourite wine bar.

Back to Bremen arriving at 7:24pm. Horst arrived at almost the same time. From the railway station we took the Straßenbahn home to Schwachhausen for a quiet evening watching Ninja Warrior Germany.
Trelde, Charlotte and Axel's house.
Undeloh Street Stalls of local produce and crafts
Undeloh Street Stalls of local produce and crafts
Würme. Apple crushing and organic festival. Old style wooden playground.
Freshly pressed apple Juice.
Buchholz city centre. Eating Curry Wurst.
Buchholz Sunday Open Day. Drinking craft beers.
Buchholz. Charlotte and Axel's favourite wine bar.
Buchholz Railway Station

Buchholz in der Nordheide

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