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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros

Australia, Barn Hill Station

, 02. August 2017
Finally left Broome! It was like home sweet home and we didn't want to leave ! But we must and it was pretty way with 2 drinks costing 19 bucks a round !! Next stop Barn Hill Station .. a camp on coastline south of Broome. Had to travel 10 kms on red dirt and pass thru 3 gates and we were there! We were on unpowered but was ok cos it was sooo windy and a bit chillier.. had to drag the doona out from its slumber!!
BH is another great beach .. very solitary with red sand meeting the water and some great rock formations. Very chilled.. a let's go for a walk and pickup shells type of beach !!
 - Australia, Barn Hill Station - 1

Australia, Barn Hill Station

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