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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros

Australia, Horizontal Falls

, 28. July 2017
Boab prison tree .. back in the day white men stole black men to do the labor on pearl farms and kept them holed up inside this tree! There is big opening on the side of tree where they kept them!
Overnight trip to Horizontal Falls. Drove 200 kms north from Broome to Derby for an afternoon pickup for tour. Left van in Broome. Derby is a port town with mudflats and the highest of all tides (second highest in world) to 12 meters. Half the population is aboriginal and town looks it !! We left our car in the dodgiest hotel car park. Was whisked away to our seaplane which then took us out to the falls with a 30 minute flight. Landed in Talbot Bay where there was a pontoon with houseboats which was our home for the night. Next activity was a fast boat ride thru the falls. These falls are created by huge tidal movements giving the effect of horizontal falls!! Fast boat rides thru the two gaps.. one 20 m and the other 10 m ! Back to the pontoon for dinner on deck and a few drinkies. Early start next morning for another boat ride. Due to fog in Broome , our return flights were delayed for 3 hours so that meant more boat rides and hanging out in the beautiful Talbot Bay. Finally picked up in seaplane for trip back to Derby flying over Buchaneer Arpeligo .. the most bluest waters!

Australia, Horizontal Falls

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