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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros


Australia, 03. July 2017
Mataranka thermal pool
2 hour drive to Mataranka.. famous for its thermal springs. Stayed at Mataranka Homestead.. got the last spot ! This park was a five minute walk to the springs. It was such a hot day and temps of the springs were about 34 degrees. After checking and rechecking there were no fish in the water, me n my noodle jumped in.. it was actually really nice (even tho a leaf made me scream!!) took a drive after to Bitter Springs which is another thermal spring but in more of a natural rustic setting (Mataranka was like a pool). Had quiet night Quick dinner at bistro and movie night!
Bitter springs is a bit more natural setting
Stopped here for scones but ended up buying the most expensive pie n pastie! (Scones were $24!) Fran was an older lady who ran it .. was quite the character.. she cooked everything from scratch.. not worth it really for $12 bucks a pie ! She gives everyone a stuffed animal that she gets from vinnies.. we got a manky old panda!!
Big termites in these parts !


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