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/ Two Bullocks on a Boat in Eire

Kilmore Quay

Ireland, 15. June 2022
Leaving Kilmore Quay.
One thing about meeting other crews is finding out about destinations. Today was one of those occasions. Our first anchorage this morning was at the Saltees. We had been unsure because of reading about rocks, but Wendy had asked the harbour master, and he advised follow the little ferries!
We got excited as we anchored as puffins were flying around the boat and nesting in the cliff face. A seal also came to say hello.
Puffin sailed over to anchor nearby.
Rowing over to Great Saltee.
We were amused by the island owners’ humour. Although the Saltees are privately owned, they kindly allow people to land between 11.30 and 4.30. We wonder how much he paid in 1954?
How could I resist?
There is a path to the other side of the island…
…where there is a bird watchers’ paradise. We recognised Guillemots, but there were many other seabirds.
And of course the star of the show: puffins! They are so photogenic, and are quite happy to be watched and photographed. We think these are Atlantic Puffin.
Puffins form long-term pair bonds. The female lays a single egg, and both parents incubate the egg and feed the chick.
After fledging the young spend the first few years of their life at sea. Puffins winter at sea, usually far from coasts, but return to their burrows to breed.
A beautiful bay full of seabirds and photographers.

Kilmore Quay

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