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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros

Australia, 17. June 2017
Left early (well for us 9 was early!) Long drive to Kings Canyon .. about 4 hours. Pulled in at Erldunda to get brekky and Internet.. this having no service is driving me batty! Chucked a lefty at Erldunda and arrived in Kings Canyon about 3ish. Noticed heaps more flies today .. I bought one of those netted hats that cover your face .. funny! Saw dingoes wander the campground so I'm too scared to even eat outside !!!! Were told to not leave any food about.
Got up early next day to do our 6 km Kings Canyon rim walk. This walk starts off with a very (VERY) steep climb up rocky stairs and then skirts the top of the canyon to give fantastic views of the gorge and sandstone cliffs. It was pretty awesome! .. even though my knees were not so happy by the end of it ! I was absolutely nakkered after, but so glad I did it! Had a few wines n beers in the outback bar (apparently in April, there were snakes galore..boy did we pick a good time to come!)
So apparently the pretend flies detract the real flies cos they like their space !
Stevie doesn't want a "spesh " hat
D.i.n.g.o. Was his nameo!
Petrol lotsa $$ here !

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