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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros


Australia, 19. June 2017
Uluru ru ru !!
Staying in the only campsite at Uluru, we headed straight for the rock to get some snaps. Then had a wander and lunch around the town square (Geckos.. aargh everything is named after lizards !!) Had a Field of Lights tour. Picked up an hour before sunset and we were taken to a special viewing spot to watch the sunset in front of the rock. Had croc and kanga canaps with bubbles. Then we walked through the Field of lights..OMG .. absolutely amazing .. 50000 lights that go on forever and bloom as darkness falls.. pictures can't capture it (well mine can't!) It was a field of lights! Went to Outback bar for a few more with some new buddies after.
Next morning we were up early for our sunrise Segway tour. Drove to the rock in darkness, had some brekky, watched the sun rise over rock and then donned our Segways. We did the complete 10 km loop taking us through so many different views! It was freezing (2degrees) and I thought my toes would never thaw out ! It was the best way to see all of it tho. The rock is absolutely beautiful up close. Then in the arvy, we were met at our campsite for our sunset Harley Davidson ride. I held on for dear life .. my poor driver got belly hugs all the way! He got up to 100 Kms at one point .. stopped for sunset bubbles and then harleyed home. It was the most amazing sunset with pinks and blues over the rock. Steve absolutely luv'd it and I must admit, I enjoyed it too (except for corners!!)
Next morning, we rode bikes (the pedal kind!) into town square for my dot painting class which ended up being cancelled.. oh well will have to teach myself!! In the arvy, we drove to Kata Tjuru (the Olgas) which are soaring rock domes within the National Park. We did the shorter Walpa Gorge walk (2.6kms).. stunning .. these massive rocks just towering over you! Just so happened to be state of origin night so back at outback pub to watch game (rossie in ten years time when u read this Thurston kicked the winning goal!!)
Your Uluru platter is ready !
Sunset .. say no more !
Sunset not over Uluruuuu
Amazing field of lights .. literally
This is a professional photo of how amazing it looks !
Look out Rizzo
Harley ride to the rock .. brrmm brmmm
Love the jack jack


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