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/ Two Bullocks on a Boat Go West


Ireland, 18. June 2023
Avalon at Bullock Island.
Leaving Barloge Creek.
Still a bit nervous about the engine, we hoisted sail and set off on what we thought would be a easy, if swelly, 5 nautical mile trip into Baltimore Harbour.
Fortunately Kevin spotted white waves on the horizon and black clouds heading our way, so we were able drop sail before a squall hit us.
The lovely sunny afternoon changed to high winds, rough seas and pouring rain, hitting us and our French fellow sailors.
Twenty minutes later all was calmer again as we headed for Baltimore Harbour.
Barrack Point on Sherkin Island.
The Baltimore Beacon, a white painted stone beacon, built in 1848.
The beacon is known locally as Lot’s Wife, from Genesis 19. She was turned to a pillar of salt because she disobeyed God by watching Sodom’s destruction. She is not named in the Bible, but is called Ado or Edith in some Jewish traditions.
We hoped to anchor near Shirkin Island, but any available space was affected by swell, so we picked up a more sheltered mooring buoy closer to Baltimore town.
The calm evening belied our adventures at sea today.
Finally enjoying Fathers’ day with an onboard pipe and relax.
Travelling between Shirkin Island and Baltimore, a ferry offers a regular service from early til late.
Very tired, I planned to get an early night, but kept waiting a little longer because it seemed there was going to be a beautiful sunset….
Ireland - Baltimore - 1
….and I wasn’t disappointed.


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