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/ Two Bullocks on a Boat in Eire


Ireland, 26. June 2022
Kevin wanted to have a closer look at the bow roller and make sure the anchor is secure. Sadly it’s not just a case of replacing the nylon roller as it is a bespoke piece welded together. A job for winter in the yard.
After a few jobs we took the bus to Passage West Aldi to provision (must mention the superb bus service again!), and then decided to walk in the other direction to the bar opposite Raffeen Creek Golf Club. We thought it had stopped raining!
Sheltering under a tree to escape the worst of the downpour.
Drying off with the daily Guinness.
As we left Murph’s Bar the sun started to shine.
Looking towards Raffeen Creek Golf Club.
The view cleared.
A heron watching for fish.
Haulbowline Island.
Avalon on her pontoon.
As the wind abated, an eerie calm descended.


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