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/ Two Bullocks on a Boat in Eire


Ireland, 30. May 2022
Having caught the Dart to Bray, we realise there’s a cliff walk from Greystones; a plan for another time.
Regina picked us up from Killiney Station after work and took us to Powerscourt Gardens. They stretch over 47 acres and certainly deserve the accolade of National Geographic’s number 3 in the world’s top ten gardens (after Versailles and Kew).
Ireland - Enniskerry - Views over the Italian Garden to the Sugar Loaf Mountain (501 metres) in the Wicklow mountains.  It was named because of its conical shape, the form in which sugar was sold up until the 19th century, prior to the advent of granulated sugar. 1
Views over the Italian Garden to the Sugar Loaf Mountain (501 metres) in the Wicklow mountains. It was named because of its conical shape, the form in which sugar was sold up until the 19th century, prior to the advent of granulated sugar.
The winged horses, which form part of the family coat of arms were made in Berlin in 1869.
Ireland - Enniskerry - The terraces were designed in the 1840s by Daniel Robertson taking 100 men 12 years to build.  Probably no surprise, as “Mr Robertson was much given to drink…and suffered from gout. He was wheeled out onto the terrace with a bottle of sherry and as long as it lasted he was able to direct the works”. 1
The terraces were designed in the 1840s by Daniel Robertson taking 100 men 12 years to build. Probably no surprise, as “Mr Robertson was much given to drink…and suffered from gout. He was wheeled out onto the terrace with a bottle of sherry and as long as it lasted he was able to direct the works”.
Tower Valley with the Pepperpot Tower.
It seems past viscounts visited Europe to ‘pick’ their favourite items from the tour, for example this 240 year old gate from the Cathedral at Bamberg in Germany.
More photos of plants for you Annie! The walled garden features Ireland’s longest herbaceous border; no third place here!
Triton Lake.
The Wingfield family lived here from 1603 until the 9th Viscount sold it to the Slazengers (of tennis racquet and ball fame) in 1961. Ralph Slazenger was mainly interested in producing hydroelectricity from the waterfall on the estate, but it turned out to be unsuitable.
Ralph and Gwen Slazenger threw their energies into refurbishing the house and gardens. Sadly, just as the newly refurbished house was going to be opened to the public in 1974, it was devastated by fire. It remained a shell for over 20 years, and although restored now, it is not to its former glory.
A line of Japanese Cedars was planted in 1864.
The Japanese Gardens created in 1908.
An 18th century grotto, one of the oldest features of the garden - the grotto that is, not the person in a blue jacket.
By a strange quirk of fate Ralph and Gwen’s daughter married the 10th Viscount, Mervyn Patrick. Although later divorced, their children continue a connection with the estate and the cousins are involved with its management.
Many films have been made in Enniskerry, most recently Disney’s “Disenchanted”.
Johnnie Fox’s, purportedly the highest pub in Ireland, has lots of quirky features, not just the person in the blue jacket!
Ireland - Enniskerry - A lovely meal and catch up with Regina - and a Guinness of course! 1
A lovely meal and catch up with Regina - and a Guinness of course!
So lovely to enjoy live music again.


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