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/ Europe 2017

United Kingdom, London, River Thames

, 19. September 2017
River Thames, London
Lazy morning on the ship making our way to London. Had breakfast, then a dance lesson on Line Dancing with Ferdinando the Brazilian dancer. Great fun. Got up a good sweat.

Put on warm clothes and up to the front of the ship on the Observation Deck, level 8, to watch our journey through the River Thames. We travelled along the Thames for 3 hours. Two tug boats guided us for the last hour. We passed between the flood mitigation tidal gates. Very odd looking structures. On the last river bend before Tower Bridge the 2 tugs turned us 180 degrees and pulled us under the bridge backwards. Fabulous experience. At the pier we docked onto the museum ship HMAS Belfast.

We were able to leave the ship about 4:15pm and take the tender boat to the Tower Pier. We walked to Covent Garden along the River Thames walk. We purchased £19 theatre tickets for 42nd Street starting at 7:30pm at the Royal Theatre Dury Lane.

We stopped at Boho Restaurant for pizza and Guinness in Covent Garden Apple Market before going to the theatre. A beautiful old theatre and magnificent performance. The dancing, mainly tap, singing, costumes and stage settings were outstanding. So glad we saw it.

Back to the ship at 11:30pm for finger foods and beer.
River Thames, London
Our first bridge on the River Thames.
Going under the first bridge across the River Thames.
Flood mitigation tidal gates, River Thames.
Flood mitigation tidal gates.
Flood mitigation tidal gates.
Flood mitigation tidal gates.
Heading for London.
Gondola over River Thames.
Gondola ride over River Thames.
Heading for London. Greenwich.
Housing along the River Thames.
Royal Academy. River Thames.
Royal Academy. River Thames.
River Thames.
The Shard and the Tower Bridge in the distance.
 - United Kingdom, London, River Thames - The Tower Bridge. Boule. Cheers. 1
The Tower Bridge. Boule. Cheers.
Tug guiding us around the sharp bends.
The Tower Bridge gates opening for us.
The Tower Bridge gates opening for us.
The Tower Bridge gates opening for us. Boule. Cheers.
The Tower Bridge gates opening for us. Going through backwards.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.
Going under the Tower Bridge, London.

United Kingdom, London, River Thames

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