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/ Around Oz with Steve and Ros

Australia, 31. March 2017
And we're on the move again .. off to Jervis Bay. Short drive from Kiama. Bike ride. Pub. Rsl. Nice caravan neighbours (Billy and Caroline tap tap) Spent morning at whitest beach in the WORLD.. Hyams Beach .. met up with Rich the carpenter in Husky.. nice night with lotsa laughs. Next day, took a drive to Booderee National Park.. south of Hyams. This is where all the great beaches are. Lots of little cove beaches all with the white sand..Murrays was nicest. After swim and bake , we went on a cruise down the waterways and saw all the beaches from the other side! All byoodiful! Stayed 3 nights. Would have stayed longer if weather hadn't turned yukko!
Australia -  - Hyams Beach.. whitest sand in the WORLD! 2
Hyams Beach.. whitest sand in the WORLD!
Even the seagulls blend in ! ...Hyams
View from the pub and rsl at Husky 🍸🍺
Catchup with Richie.. still inappropriate in the best ways!!
A bit windy up at the lighthouse in Booderee Nat Park
Another great beach .. Murrays Beach .. south of Hyams Booderee National park.
Bobbing head !
Sand just as white!
Boat cruise past all the beaches 🌊

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