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Australia, 13. January 2017
Shipwreck Cove. When the Loch Ard sank there were only two survivors and both drifted up on this beach.
Efter pizza tog vi videre mod næste turistattraktion: Port Campbell National Park. Egentlig hører the 12 Apostles også til denne park meeeen vi nåede ikke det hele dagen før. Vi var generelt ikke gode til at stå tidligt op.
Så denne gang var vi forbi Loch Ard Gorge, the Razorback, Shipwreck Coast og the Island Archway. Igen en fantastisk oplevelse! Dog noget blæsende!!
Vi ankom sent til den næste camp og eftersom vi er 4 "fremmede" sammen 24/7 havde jeg brug for en pause og valgte at gå en lang tur istedet for at tage med ud at handle. Det viste sig at være et godt valg for jeg så 2 koalaer😍
Vi fik meget sen aftensmad og sad og drak vin og snakkede til klokken var over to!
Stunning rock formation.
Sandy, rocky and dry yet something manages to grow here.
How water beats rock.
Australia -  - French rebels crossing the fence to get the perfect picture. Maybe I did the same... 1
French rebels crossing the fence to get the perfect picture. Maybe I did the same...
The Razorback.
Just a wee bit windy😑
A little cove.
The first koala I spitted was from the car in the mountains so I couldn't yell stop to take a picture. Luckily I saw this cutie the next day!

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