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Australia, 30. December 2016
Grub Food Van cafe. Good coffee, nice coconut panna cotta, great location! Shit wifi.
Renaissance art at The Nunnery.
Kite surfer at St. Kilda.
Cafe in an alley in CBD. Always remember to look in the alleys! You never no what you might find.
In Collingwood you can see very far!
Jumping kite surfer at St. Kilda beach.
Street art and flying trains.
Moroccan food at the Queen Victoria Market: falafel and eggplant fritters🍆😍🤤
Christmas deco in Brunswick.
Exercise time💪🏻
Kinky window decor.
Artsy pub toilet.
Biggest police horses I have ever seen!
Street art in Fitzroy.
Delicious Brazilian slaw at Smith & Daughters🤤
CBD street art.
Christmas decor in one of the arcades in CBD.
Even Mikkeller is Down Under!
Street art in Collingwood.


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